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SRC SASA Research Equipment

Full Name of EquipmentPrice (EUR / hour)
detailKarstological field and laboratory equipment34.00
detailCorpora Laboratory Equipment and SlovarRed (software)31.21
detailFloVegSi (software, information system)29.58
detailLivingstone coring eqipment (modification after Stitz) attached to an electric hammer Makita. Coldstore.
Palynological laboratory (with centrifuge Hettich Rotanta 460, water bath Memmert WB10, fume cupboard,
ultrasonic bath Iskra Pio Sonis, muffle furnace Aurodent G9-5206, el. mixer Vibromix 114).
detailAudio-visual equipment34.52
detailDigital computer supported audio work station33.65
detailDigital field laboratory32.16
detailGNI digital archive30.20
detailLogitech - thin-section preparation system34.82
detailBruker XRD benchtop45.32
detailLaboratory equipment for sediment analyses39.15
detailAudio system for processing and archiving of audio material35.07
detailUpgrade of a Scanning Electron Microscope with a CL and LV SED detector and a system for correlaive microscopy32.89
detailXRF Spectrometer for Sediment Analyses
including upgrades in 2022 (mill and pellet press)
detailOptical Microscopy System36.06
detailRemote sensing system with laser scanner and thermal camera38.30
detailAssembly for the preparation of special thin-sections36.03

Monthly Usage of Research Equipment

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